Dec 10, 2019
When you launch a business, you need to have a product that
people WANT.
Something that helps them get the results that they want. An offer
they are confident will help make their dreams come true.
But how do you create such an offer?
I this episode, we'll talk about how to create an offer that helps
people get...
Dec 10, 2019
Whenever I don't hit a goal, I tend to hit the reset button and
try again the next week, month, quarter, or year.
I used to think that not hitting a goal was an epic failure. But
the truth is, there's gold in the failures.
In this episode, I walk you through a step by step process for
closing out a week, month,...
Dec 3, 2019
I often hear about the financial roller coaster that can come
with being an entrepreneur. People talk about feast or famine.
About Money. About Money Mindset.
But I don't hear people speak much about the emotional
rollercoaster. The impact being an entrepreneur can have on your
mental health.
And I think it's SOOOO...
Dec 3, 2019
I found a note in my phone from about a year ago where I wrote
out everything I wanted to accomplish in 2019.
The truth is, I didn't accomplish everything on that list.
In fact, there were things on that list kept telling myself I'd
work on "tomorrow" and I guess tomorrow hasn't come yet.
But some amazing things were...