Mar 24, 2020
In a market where everyone is talking about the laptop lifestyle
- business fundamentals can get lost.
Before you can scale your business, have your business run without
you or heck even run from anywhere, you need to put in the work to
have a business that works period.
In this conversation with Alice Lewis, we talk building a business,
being innovative in the marketplace, being on Shark Tank, how she
proved her business concept worked and then scaled her business,
plus life as a new mom and CEO.
You won't want to miss this!
Alice is founder and CEO of Alice's Table a company
that empowers women to successfully be their own boss through
hosting flower arranging workshops.
To learn more about Alice's Table head to their website or follow them on instagram.
If you haven't already - I would love to hear what you think of the
show! Please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.
I'd also love to answer your questions and/or support you on an
upcoming episode. Send me a DM on Instagram and submit a question for the show
and for a chance to get coached during an episode.