Sep 29, 2020
Earlier this year I had an amazing conversation with Hilary Hendershott about paying yourself, your money beliefs, getting yourself out of debt and the 7 steps to creating wealth.
Hilary is an entrepreneur, business owner, and financial advisor
with over twenty years of experience. Along with her team, she is
on a mission to contribute to a world where all people are thriving
– where no one is left behind in the pursuit to earn and build
wealth and where everyone has more than enough.
To learn more from Hilary you can listen to her podcast Profit Boss
Radio or head to her website.
Plus, whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you grow
your business:
Join the Genius Profit Lounge to access free training sessions.
Watch our IGTV series by following us at Market Your Genius on Instagram.
Join our Profit Lab if you’d like to work with me on your
client-getting plans… just connect with me via FB Messenger
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